Brand-X Rallye Team is based in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, IL

Here are a few things you should know to maximize your enjoyment:


Why 'Rallye' and not 'Rally'?

To distinguish ourselves from European style rallying that is more like a race.  We also like to think that this separation makes our gimmick rallyes more fun then a serious European style rallye.

Starting Point

All of our rallyes start from Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg (near Chicago) -- in the north remote 'B2' parking lot between Firestone and Hooters. Most other CRC rallyes start here also.

Entry Fee

Our entry fee is only $15.00 per car.  Some special events will have higher entry fees due to additional costs to put on those events.   What do you get for your entertainment dollar:  good rallyes that have been thoroughly pre-checked by experienced rallyists,  interesting and fun checkpoints to enhance your rallye experience, quality trophies for the winners and sometimes additional awards, and much, much more (see our 42nd Anniversary Season page).

Brand-X Online

Besides finding us at this website you can visit us at Twitter or Facebook:

Find 'BrandXRallye' on Twitter, please follow us

Find The Brand-X Rallye Team on Facebook



This year we will end most of our rallyes at Garibaldi's in Hoffman Estates, where good food and beverages are available.

Timetable (for Saturday night events)

6:00 PM - Registration begins - receive General Instructions

6:30 PM - Rallye School (to 7:00 PM)

7:15 or 7:30 PM - first car off depending on the event - receive Route Instructions

10:15 - 10:30 PM - due at Endpoint - eat and mingle

10:30 - 10:45 PM - synopsis {right answers and why}

11:00 - 11:15 PM - scoring complete, award trophies

Rallye School?

For the benefit of newcomers, we conduct a free informal class in basic rallye concepts, 30 minutes after Registration opens on every Brand-X rallye. More often than not, some of those who attend class will win trophies that very night.

General Instructions?

Approximately 3 pages of rules that set the theme and tell you what to do when, how to follow the course, which instructions take precedence over which, what you should remember, what you can ignore, and the meaning of various terms {hint: many gimmicks are buried in the definitions section}.

Route Instructions?

Approximately 30 to 50 numbered and/or lettered instructions, which take you through the rallye course. Some instructions have more than one part, and some may have to be skipped rather than executed - all governed by the General Instructions and what you actually find along the course - this is where the traps or gimmicks come in, and that is how you perform better or worse than your competitors.

What's a Gimmick?

A situation where we attempt to trick you into executing an instruction incorrectly, or answering a question wrong, or doing the wrong thing at a checkpoint.

Won't I get lost?

No! The traps (gimmicks) we plan for you to fall into are looped inside or outside of the correct course, so that you never get lost. The off-course route is often easier to follow than the on-course route. Pick-Up Points are inserted in the Route Instructions to reinforce where you should be at certain times. The course itself is usually less than 50 miles long (on Saturday events), which gives you plenty of time to stop and think over three hours.  We will even provide a phone number to call if you have a problem that will not allow you to complete the rallye.

Rallye Boutique

Where you can purchase a flashlight, clipboard, highlighter or pencil in case you forget to bring them.

Trophy Classes

You compete against people at your own experience level: Beginner, Novice - once you win a trophy in any class you become a novice, Master - once you win two overall awards you become a master, Grandmaster - when you have won enough master trophies you will can be invited to become a Grandmaster - being a Grandmaster is solely voluntary.  Trophies are awarded within each class.

After The Event
A few days after the event you can find posted on this website and our Facebook page: Official Results including pictures of the winners, up-dated Championship and Attendance Series Standings, and the Synopsis of the rallye (what you should have done) so you can learn from your errors.

Group Outings

If you bring out 5 or more cars {and tell us so in advance}, we will arrange to have a special trophy for the highest finisher within that group.  Please leave a message about your group on our Hotline with a name and phone number for follow-up. To register your group write us at: or call Bill Wallace at 847-LANCERS, (please give us a couple of days notice).

Another Rallye Story

Upon request we will send you a copy of a local newspaper articles for another perspective on gimmick rallyes - a sport unique to Chicago.  We have some articles posted on this website.

Upcoming Rallyes

See our Calendar of Events. If you give us your information we will be happy to add you to our mailing lists. Please give both your E-mail address and normal mailing address.  You can E-mail us your information (name and address). Also the contact phone number for our next event is on our next event flyer page.

CRC Schedule

There are other rallyes put on by Chicago Rallye Central rallye teams this year. Upon request we will send you the complete schedule with phone numbers that you can call to get specific details about each rallye, including those put on by CRC rallye teams other than Brand-X.  CRC Schedule.

CRC Rules and Procedures

Brand-X Rallye Team, as a member of Chicago Rallye Central (CRC), adheres to standard rules and safety procedures established by consensus over 30 years of experience and more than 600 rallyes produced (over 250 by Brand-X alone).  These rules, procedures, and CRC's mission statement are detailed elsewhere. CRC Standard Rules & Mission Statement The CRC logo on our rallye team's publicity is a pledge that the our rallye team adheres to these standards.

Read the Newspaper Articles about Brand-X Road Rallyes, click on page links above for these articles.


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