Local Rallye Club/Team Sites:

Wheels Rallye Team

Other Rallye Sites:

Roy Coleman's Road Rallye Page   http://www.iit.edu/~rcoleman/roadraly.html

US Rally - Rallye event, team, and club database  http://usrally.com/

CAR CLUBS OF THE WORLD -  http://www.carlist.com/carclub.html (Events page dropped)

CAR CLUBS WORLDWIDE http://carclubs.com (Has events page)

Rally Central - The Road Rally Resource Page   http://www.goss.com/rally.htm (To find a rallye world wide)

 The Rallye Club -  http://www.therallyeclub.org/index.htm (West coast club)

Car Show Central http://www.carshowcentral.com/ Shows and clubs around the country

HAUNTED ILLINOIS EVENTS - http://www.hauntedillinois.com/linktome.php