
Position Trophy Car#/Class Driver / Navigator Team Points Tiebreaker
1 1O TB 4/GM HowardM / HowardR SCORE 0 49
3/GM HowardP / Munoz SCORE 10 23
12/GM Dorner / Davis Wheels/SCORE 20 21
4 1M 1/M CichorackiG / KoppC SCORE 30 14
2/M Dubiel / Duckmann
40 27
13/GM Coleman / Uchida SCORE 40 30

1O = 1st Overall trophy #M = Master trophy position TB = Best Tiebreaker trophy

6 Cars started – 6 cars finished

Tiebreaker -- baskets made in timed period -- the higher the better

Thank you all for coming out -- you've gained a big edge in the Championship and Attendance 
Bonus Awards Series -- please plan now to join us for:

 – the 47th annual running of WHOOSH WITCH on October 26 (Sunday daytime)

 – the 51st running of UnRALLYE, the Mother of All Point-to-Point Rallyes on November 16 (daytime)

followed immediately by the 2014 Championship Series and Attendance Bonus awards

You saw the first 2 prizes in the 2014 Attendance Bonus Series at the starting point:

Hostess Twinkie maker and Hostess Cupcake maker

at least 3 more prizes will be added, one for each Brand-X rallye this year

For current standings in the 2014 Brand-X Championship Series go to that page.

For bigger pictures of the winners go to our Facebook page.   


First Master CichorackiG / KoppC


First overall R Howard/M Howard