
Position Trophy Car#/Class Driver / Navigator Team Points Tiebreaker
1 1O 12/GM Davis / Dorner SCORE/Wheels 10 2.5
2 1M 1/M CichorackiG / CichorackiB SCORE 50 0.5
3 P 13/GM Coleman / Uchida SCORE 50 5.4
3/GM HowardM / HowardR SCORE 60 15.6
5 P 5/M Kopp / Kopps
70 5.5
9/GM Flasch / Flasch
100 2.5
7 1N 4/N Raymond / Sharon
100 7.5
2/GM LindstromS / LindstromK
110 6.1
8/M StoesserJ / StoesserE
110 22.5
10 P 7/N Barinholtz / Overend
160 12.9
6/N Chapman / Chapman
240 9.5

1O = 1st Overall trophy #M = Master trophy position #N = Novice trophy position
P = Garibaldi's $5 coupon (bridesmaids GM, M, and last place still here)

11 Cars started – 11 cars finished

Tiebreaker – closest to average mileage on the course (the smaller the better)

Thank you all for coming out --  you've gained a big edge in the Championship and Attendance 
Bonus Awards Series -- please plan now to join us for:

 – PICTURE THIS, the great summer tour rallye on SUNDAY June 22

 – the 22nd running of FIELD OF DWEEBS on August 9

 – the 47th annual running of WHOOSH WITCH on October 26 (Sunday daytime)

 – and the 51st running of UnRALLYE, the Mother of All Point-to-Point Rallyes on November 16

followed immediately by the 2014 Championship Series and Attendance Bonus awards

You saw the first prize in the 2014 Attendance Bonus Series at the starting point:

Hostess Twinkie maker

at least 4 more prizes will be added, one for each Brand-X rallye this year

See the 2014 Brand-X Championship Series Standing page for current standings.