
Position Trophy Car#/Class Driver / Navigator Team Points Tiebreaker
1 1O TB 12/GM Davis / HowardM SCORE 100 21
5/GM HowardP / Duckmann SCORE 140 -5
13/GM Coleman / Uchida SCORE 170 4
4 1M 3/M Cohoon / Williams SCORE 231 -6
5 1N 1/N Melone / Tyson
275 15
6/M Sauve / Sauve
310 8
7 1B 8/B GoodmanL / GoodmanS +4
325 8
7/M Kittner / Kortsanje / Kramer
342 -12
9/M MitchellA / SmithJ
375 8
10/B Hassen / Goldman +2
377 -12
2/N ShimpC / ShimpS / DeKing
383 -8
4/B Scott / Anderson
442 -7

1O = 1st Overall trophy 1M = 1st Master trophy TB = Best Tiebreaker 
1N = 1st Novice trophy 1M = 1st Beginner trophy

12 Cars started – 12 cars finished

Tiebreaker -- minutes before due-in time at the endpoint -- the higher the better (negative means late)

Thank you all for coming out -- you've gained a big edge in the Championship and Attendance 
Bonus Awards Series -- please plan now to join us for:

 – the 51st running of UnRALLYE, the Mother of All Point-to-Point Rallyes on November 16 (daytime)

followed immediately by the 2014 Championship Series and Attendance Bonus awards

You saw the first 2 prizes in the 2014 Attendance Bonus Series at the starting point:

Hostess Twinkie maker and Hostess Cupcake maker

at least 3 more prizes will be added, one for each Brand-X rallye this year

Click on the link for the current standings in the 2014 Brand-X Championship Series.

Grandmaster Class could be won by any 2 of 7 people, due to discarding the lowest score:

Davis, HowardM, Coleman, Uchida, HowardP, Dorner, HowardR in descending likely order
Master Class has 4 people in the running for 2 spots, in descending order of advantage:

CichorackiG, KoppC, CichorackiB, Duckmann

Novice Class is wide open -- any 2 of these 24 could add up to 10 points to their score on UnRallye:

Raymond, Sharon, Melone, Tyson, SachsJ, SachsL, Balavander, Barinholz, Dubiel, Janak,

both Goodmans, Overend, Prystawsky, both Chapmans, Hassen, Goldman, Fitzgerald, 

Mascheri, ShimpC, ShimpS, AndersonP, ScottM

It all depends on what happens on UnRallye!

Please visit our Facebook page and like us.

Photos of the winners


                                1st Beginner GoodmanL / GoodmanS +4


                                            1st Novice Melone / Tyson


                                            1st Master Cohoon / Williams


                                           1st Overall Davis / HowardM